1000KN universalis computatrum imperium hydrau tensile temptationis machina
1000Kn universalis probatio apparatus computatrum imperium hydraulicas tensile temptationis machina
Et Hydrau potestas fons est ad eiciam in test et intelligens mensurae et imperium instrumentum adhibetur ad colligunt et processum in test notitia, quae est composito ex test exercitum, et in mensuras et potestas et aliarum genera probat in diversis materiae et products et aliarum genera probat, et tendens et alia genera probat, et tondentes et alia genera probat, et tendentes et products et aliarum genera, et in diversis materiae et products.
The testing machine is six columns, double space structure, between the upper beam and the lower beam for stretching space, between the lower beam and the test table for compression space, the test space through the sprocket and lead screw rotation driven under the beam up and down to automatically adjust.Standard models are equipped with V-type and flat type jaws for clamping cylindrical samples and flat samples for tensile test;The bottom end of the lower beam of the standard exemplar instructum est
Superior pressura laminam et test mensa instructa cum inferioribus pressura laminam cum sphaericis structuram, quae potest directe compressi test.
Nos type electro-hydrau universalis material testing apparatus est repulsi ab Hydrau potestas fons et intelligens mensurae et imperium instrumentum pro test notitia acquisitionem et dispensando. Partibus ex quatuor consistit: Test exercitum, oleum Source (Hydraulica Power Source), mensurae et imperium system et test apparatu. Maximum test vis est6Luke et accuracy gradu ad probationem apparatus est melius quam gradu I.
uWE electrohydraulic universal material testing machine can meet the standard test requirements of the national regulations on metal tensile test, and can also achieve tensile, compression, bending, shearing and other types of tests on different materials or products in accordance with other standards, and can obtain the tensile strength, yield strength and other performance indicators of the measured material.
u Testis apparatus est sex-columna duplici spatio structuram, cum distrahunt spatium inter superiorem trabem et inferiorem trabem et compressionem inter inferiores trabem et test scamnum. Test spatium statim adaequatum per gyrationis sprocket et plumbum cochlea ad eiciam inferioribus trabem et descendit. Models instructi ad V informibus et plana ora pro clamping cylindrici et plana specimina ad tensile test; Deorsum finem de inferioribus trabem de vexillum exemplar instructa cum superior pressura laminam et test scamnum instructa cum inferioribus pressura laminam cum sphaericis structuram, quae potest directe usus est compressio test.
u Consilium principalis machinam testis apparatus permittit facultatem expanding in cœtum alterius fixtures praestare additional probat. For example: the bolt fixture can be used for bolt stretching, the bending fixture can be used for round bar or plate bending test, the shear fixture can be used for round bar shear strength test, and the concrete and cement sample test can be done in the compressed space with anti-bending, shear, splitting, elastic modulus meter.
TEchnical specificationem:
Exemplar | We-100b | Nos, 300B | We-600B | Nos, 1000b |
Max. VIRG | 100kn | 300KN | 600kn | 1000Kn |
Elevatio celeritas media | CCXL mm / min | CCXL mm / min | CCXL mm / min | CCXL mm / min |
Max. spacing of pression superficiebus | D mm | 600mm | DC mm | 600mm |
Max.stretch spacing | DC mm | 700mm | DCC mm | 700mm |
Efficens distantiam inter columnas | 380mm | 380mm | 375mm | 455mm |
Piston plaga | CC mm | 200mm | CC mm | 200mm |
Max. Celeritas Piston motus | C mm / min | 120mm / min | CXX mm / min | 100mm / min |
Circa sample clamping diameter | Φ6 mm -Φ22mm | Φ10 mm -Φ32mm | Φ13mm, φ40mm | Φ14 mm -Φ45mm |
Clamping crassitudine torto Specimen | 0 mm -15mm | 0 mm -20mm | 0 mm -20mm | 0 mm -40mm |
Max. Distantiam Fulcrum in Test | CCC mm | 300mm | CCC mm | 300mm |
Et descendit laminam magnitudine | Φ110mm | Φ150mm | Φ200mm | Φ225mm |
PROPRESSUS | 800x620x1850mm | 800x620x1870 mm | 800x620x1900mm | 900x700x2250 mm |
Dimensiones oleum Source tristique | 550x500x1200 mm | 550x500x1200 mm | 550x500x1200mm | 550x500x1200 mm |
Potentia | 1.1KW | 1.8kw | 2.2kw | 2.2kw |
Pondus | 1500kg | 1600kg | 1900kg | 2600kg |
Vexillum test apparatu
u unum (quattuor pieces) de ora (per specimen tenens diameterφ14mm ~φ32mm);
u unum (quattuor pieces) de ora (per specimen tenens diameterφ32mm ~φ45mm);
u unus posuit (quattuor pieces) de ora (tenens crassitudine torto specimen 0mm ~ 40mm);
u a paro of tendentes firmamentum;
u a paro of anti-compressionem superior et inferior pressura laminis;
Cangzhou hyacintho pulchritudo instrumentum, Ltd. est professional versantur in metallum, non-metallum et compositum materia mechanica proprietatibus test apparatu investigationis et progressionem et vestibulum National High-Tech.
In comitatu realizes ad sustineri progressionem in Enterprise per scientific productum qualis procuratio. In annis, in comitatu scriptor products transierunt stricte foro test, statutum bonum technical cooperante necessitudinem cum multis scientificis investigationis institutions et laboratories per regionem, provisum est in domo et foris, et statutum est a professional Pre-Sales et Serie System.
Nostra products sunt exportata ad plures terris, ut Russia, Malaysia, India, Kazakhstan, Mongoliam, Meridionalis Korea, Europa et aliis regionibus, sunt excipiuntur a customers, et nos semper cooperante.
Nostra products et siccatio clibano, muffle fornacem, laboratorium calefacit laminam, Laboratory Sample Pulverizer, Laboratory incubator, concretum instrumentum, caementa etc.