- Product Description LXBP-5 Asphalt Pavement Eight Wheel Instrument It is suitable for road surface construction inspection and road surface flatness inspection such as highways, urban roads and airports. Hoc est munera colligendis, recording, analyzing, printing, etc, et potest display realis-vicis mensuram notitia de via superficiem. Pelagus technica parametri: I. De test reference longitudinem in planities meter: III metris II. Error: ± I% III. Working environment Humidit ...
Benkelman deflection trabem / Beckman deflection instrumentum
Product Description benkelman deflection trabem / Beckman deflection instrumentum Beckman trabem modum est modum idoneam ad mensuræ ad elastica deflectionem valorem de via superficiem in stabilis loading vel valde cursoras et non bene reflectunt ad altiore vires et non bene reflectunt in altiore vires et non bene reflectunt ad altiore vires et non bene reflectunt ad altiore vires in via superficiem. I) Praeparata ante test (I) Reprehendo et custodiant vexillum vehiculum ad mensuram in bonam condicionem et braking perficientur, et strigare interiorem tubo occurrit in certa incremento ... - Product Description Pavement rebound deflection tester/Pavement Benkelman deflection beam Measuring range: (1) This method is suitable for measuring the rebound deflection of various roadbeds and pavements to assess their overall bearing capacity and can be used in the design of pavement structures. (2) The rebound deflection value of the roadbed and flexible pavement measured by this method can be used for the handover and completion acceptance. (III) De resiliant deflectendum ...